Hoffman & Associates – Attorneys at Law, LLC

The Life Insurance Question

As Estate Planners, we often get asked about life insurance.  Do I need it?  How much should I buy?  Should I buy term or permanent coverage?  Which is better:  whole life, variable life or universal life?  Life Insurance is valuable for many reasons, and in our practice, we very often see it used (and recommend it!) for liquidity purposes in taxable estates, for buy-sell arrangements in closely held entities, for funding the education of future generations, equalization of inheritances, or simply income for the surviving family members.  You should have a trusted insurance professional in your team of advisors to ensure your particular situation is adequately addressed.  Gary Bottoms, CLU, ChFC of The Bottoms Group, LLC provides us with a helpful analysis of term insurance versus the various forms of permanent insurance.  We have included his article here as an excellent resource and starting point for answering your life insurance questions.  Give us a call to see where life insurance fits into your estate plan.


Term vs Perm Insurance White Paper by Gary Bottoms


Article used with permission by Gary T. Bottoms, The Bottoms Group, LLC


For more information on estate planning, general business, and tax law, please visit the Hoffman & Associates website at www.hoffmanestatelaw.com or call us at 404-255-7400.

In accordance with IRS Circular 230, this article is not to be considered a “covered opinion” or other written tax advice and should not be relied upon for IRS audit, tax dispute, or any other purpose. The information contained herein is provided “as is” for general guidance on matters of interest only. Hoffman & Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, LLC is not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult a competent professional advisor.

