Hoffman & Associates – Attorneys at Law, LLC

Millennial to Millennial Discussion on Estate Planning


By Carolina Gomez

On Tuesday February 16th, 2021, H&A kicked off the first in a series of Zoom meetings called Millennial to Millennial. Our first topic focused on estate planning and why it’s so important for millennials (born 1981-1996) to begin proper planning in 2021. Did you know that 79% of millennials do not have even basic estate plans? Please click on the link below to watch the interesting and informative session.

 Some of the concerns our millennial attorneys addressed are:
  • I’m not married and don’t have children, why should I start planning now?
  • I’m married but don’t have children or much accumulated wealth so why is it important?
  • How do I make sure my pets are taken care of if I should pass?
  • I thought federal student loans were forgiven upon my death
  • What happens to my social media accounts if I become too ill to manage them?
  • Do my parents have the right to make medical decisions on my behalf if I’m involved in a serious accident?
  • If I’m the beneficiary of my parent’s estate, what are my responsibilities?
  • What are the tax ramifications of an inherited IRA?
  • How do I talk to my parents about estate planning without creating stress?

 For questions regarding this meeting or any other estate planning concern, please contact us at info@hoffmanestatelaw.com or 404-255-7400.
